I finally got around to setting up TLS to the IRC servers that I use. It is
incredible that this is not default or that there does not even seem to be
conventional ports. Freenode
suggests 6697
, and 7070
, but there is an independent draft standard
for 6697
Another server I connect to is protected by a wildcard domain certificate, but WeeChat did not want to verify the certificate:
09:09:28 xmission -- | irc: reconnecting to server... 09:09:28 xmission -- | irc: connecting to server irc.xmission.com/6697 (SSL)... 09:09:28 xmission -- | gnutls: connected using 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman shared secret exchange 09:09:28 xmission -- | gnutls: receiving 1 certificate 09:09:28 xmission -- | - certificate[1] info: 09:09:28 xmission -- | - subject `CN=*.xmission.com,O=XMission Networks 09:09:28 xmission -- | LLC,L=Salt Lake City,ST=Utah,C=US', issuer 09:09:28 xmission -- | `CN=DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA,O=DigiCert 09:09:28 xmission -- | Inc,C=US', serial 09:09:28 xmission -- | 0x081a17d0d17cfe5abd82f38b2396070e, RSA key 09:09:28 xmission -- | 2048 bits, signed using RSA-SHA256, activated 09:09:28 xmission -- | `2016-02-09 00:00:00 UTC', expires `2019-04-12 09:09:28 xmission -- | 12:00:00 UTC', key-ID 09:09:28 xmission -- | `sha256:a9fbe66d6490806d4c827c9a22f63c3985ffc689af85c737d060458f605b121d' 09:09:28 xmission =!= | gnutls: peer's certificate is NOT trusted 09:09:28 xmission =!= | gnutls: peer's certificate issuer is unknown 09:09:28 xmission =!= | irc: TLS handshake failed 09:09:28 xmission =!= | irc: error: Error in the certificate.
I'm not particularly interested in why the CA certificate bundle that ships with openssl or certifi (mozilla) (both of which I tried) do not automagically enable all the encryptions for this domain since I was able to find an easy workaround for my use case. The workaround involves downloading the certificate and extracting the fingerprint.
$ SERVER=irc.xmission.com $ PORT=6697 $ echo -n | openssl s_client -connect $SERVER:$PORT 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 SHA256 Fingerprint=D9:47:5E:E4:69:24:09:7D:57:B9:5A:A1:2F:B6:3D:94:C5:19:A2:85:46:47:F8:02:3B:24:DF:0A:87:08:33:C9
WeeChat needs the fingerprint without the delimiters (:
) at the byte
boundaries, so (I'm sure the multiple sed and openssl commands could be
factored but that's ostensibly too much effort for the present need):
$ echo -n | openssl s_client -connect $SERVER:$PORT 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 | sed 's/SHA256 Fingerprint=//' | sed 's/://g' D9475EE46924097D57B95AA12FB63D94C519A2854647F8023B24DF0A870833C9
Now, if you randomly happen to have the exact same problem that triggered this descent of inquiry as I, execute the following commands in WeeChat:
/set irc.server.xmission.address irc.xmission.com/6697 /set irc.server.xmission.ssl on /set irc.server.xmission.ssl_fingerprint D9475EE46924097D57B95AA12FB63D94C519A2854647F8023B24DF0A870833C9 /save ... /reconnect xmission ... 13:02:10 xmission -- | irc: disconnected from server 13:02:10 xmission -- | irc: connecting to server irc.xmission.com/6697 (SSL)... 13:02:10 xmission -- | gnutls: connected using 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman shared secret exchange 13:02:10 xmission -- | gnutls: receiving 1 certificate 13:02:10 xmission -- | - certificate[1] info: 13:02:10 xmission -- | - subject `CN=*.xmission.com,O=XMission Networks 13:02:10 xmission -- | LLC,L=Salt Lake City,ST=Utah,C=US', issuer 13:02:10 xmission -- | `CN=DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA,O=DigiCert 13:02:10 xmission -- | Inc,C=US', serial 13:02:10 xmission -- | 0x081a17d0d17cfe5abd82f38b2396070e, RSA key 13:02:10 xmission -- | 2048 bits, signed using RSA-SHA256, activated 13:02:10 xmission -- | `2016-02-09 00:00:00 UTC', expires `2019-04-12 13:02:10 xmission -- | 12:00:00 UTC', key-ID 13:02:10 xmission -- | `sha256:a9fbe66d6490806d4c827c9a22f63c3985ffc689af85c737d060458f605b121d' 13:02:10 xmission -- | gnutls: certificate fingerprint matches 13:02:10 xmission -- | irc: connected to irc.xmission.com/6697 (
You will have to verify whether your IRC server respects
port 6697
as the TLS port.